Resources for Children

All creatures great and small, our loving God made us all! 

NEW –  Resources — weekly activity sheets


S A F E   F U N   G A M E S

 Coloring Game – Simply move the mouse over the screen to “paint” images.  Try to make a butterfly or     anything else your imagination sees.

Sparkle Stars – Move your mouse over the screen to see “stars” follow your cursor.

Random Designs – Practice clicking your mouse buttons to change the colors of the designs. 

When you are finished with any of the games below, simply use the back left arrow (Alt + Left) to return to the previous page.

Drawing Pad – Simply use the pencil to sketch anything that you can imagine.

Matching Fruit – Match the fruit in this memory game, once they are all pair up, try again!

Marble Puzzle – This one is a little harder, hop one marble over another until only one marble is left on the board.