Ministerial Updates for May 2021

Ministerial changes reported in the Data Hub—the UCC’s information system for ministers and churches—for new positions/calls entered into the system in May 2021.

CC: Congregational Christian
CM: Commissioned Minister
DS: Dual Standing
LM: Licensed Minister
LMS: Lay Ministerial Standing
MID: Member in Discernment
MS: Ordained Ministerial Partner Standing
OM: Ordained Minister
POC: Privilege of Call
U: Unknown/No UCC Standing
P: Pastor
SP: Senior Pastor
DT: Designated-Term Pastor
CP: Co-pastor
AP: Associate or Assistant Pastor
IN: Interim Pastor
SU: Supply Pastor
Y: Youth Ministry
OL: Other local church position
MM: Minister of Music
CE: Director of Christian Education

OM, Julia Beall, P, Zwingli UCC, East Berlin, PA
OM, Julia Beall, P, Mount Olivet UCC, East Berlin, PA
OM, Todd Bean, IN, Evangelical UCC, Highland, IL
LM, Roslyn Bouier, P, The Beloved Community, UCC, Detroit, MI
U, Laura Callender, P, Saint Lucas UCC, Evansville, IN
LM, Jonathan Carr, P, Lihue Christian Church, Lihue, HI
OM, Jeff Coester, P, Salem United Church of Christ, Wanatah, IN
OM, Anthony Coleman, AP, First Congregational UCC, Memphis, TN
OM, Westley Conn, P, Stratham Community Church UCC, Stratham, NH
OM, Stephen Davis, IN, Calvary Congregational UCC, Twin Lakes, WI
OM, Audra Ferguson, P, Saint John’s UCC, Tiffin, OH
U, Roberto Fois, IN, Christ Congregation UCC, Princeton, NJ
OM, Michelle Funk, SP, First Christian UCC, Burlington, NC
OM, Judith Goodrow, P, Saint John’s UCC, Jackson, MI
OM, D. Hall, IN, Grace Immanuel UCC, Louisville, KY
OM, Marietta Hebert-Davis, DT, First United Church of Christ, Forest Park, IL
U, Raymond Henderson, DT, First Parish Congregational Church UCC, Newbury, MA
OM, Elizabeth Ingberg, P, Immanuel UCC, Evergreen Park, IL
LMS, Jane Jones, DT, First Congregational Church Flagstaff UCC, Flagstaff, AZ
OM, Edward Kennedy, SU, First Congregational Church & Society of Rushville, Rushville, NY
LM, Jesse Letourneau, P, Salem United Church of Christ, Westphalia, IN
OM, Ernestine Lewis, AP, Portsmouth United Church of Christ, Portsmouth, VA
U, Jon Martinez, DT, Christ Church UCC, Des Plaines, IL
OM, Karen McEwen, DT, Grace United Church of Christ, Massillon, OH
U, Deon McKenzie, IN, Christ the King United Church of Christ, Florissant, MO
OM, James McKenzie, IN, Saint Peter’s UCC, Kiel, WI
U, Timothy McQuade, IN, Saint John’s Westminster Union Church, Cincinnati, OH
LMS, Kristen Meisenheimer, OL, The Riverside Church UCC, New York, NY
OM, Joseph Motz, AP, Church of the Apostles UCC, Lancaster, PA
OM, Brandon Perrine, SP, New England Congregational UCC, Aurora, IL
LMS, Jordan Rebholz, AP, Asylum Hill Congregational UCC, Hartford, CT
OM, Stacy Roberts, Y, First Congregational Church United Church of Christ, Fort Worth, TX
OM, Roben Roof, P, Saint John’s UCC, Jonestown, PA
LM, Lynn Schmoyer, P, First Reformed Church, UCC, Sunbury, PA
OM, Marian Shearer, SU, Saint Paul’s UCC, Birdsboro, PA
OM, Nicolette Siragusa, P, Community Church UCC, Brookside, NJ
U, Scott Smith, IN, Peace UCC, Fredericksburg, IA
CM, Janice Spraggins, AP, Congregational of Park Manor UCC, Chicago, IL
OM, Robert Stewart, SU, Wyomissing UCC, Gouglersville, PA
OM, M. Christine Tata, IN, Trinity Church of Austin, Austin, TX
OM, Jessica Townsley, P, Trinity UCC, Manchester, MD
U, Arlene Turner, SP, Bethany Congregational UCC, San Antonio, TX
OM, Kurt Walker, P, Deerfield Community Church, UCC, Deerfield, NH
OM, Joe Ann Watson, P, Mont Clare United Church of Christ, Chicago, IL
OM, Dwight Welch, SP, Peoples Congregational UCC, Sidney, MT
OM, Dwight Welch, SP, First Congregational, Savage, MT
OM, Adam Westrich, P, First United Church of Christ, Green Bay, WI
OM, Mia White, SP, First Congregational Church of Saint Louis UCC, Saint Louis, MO
U, Jules Williams, IN, Open Arms UCC, Spring, TX
LMS, Kimberly Williams, P, Grace Community UCC, North Fork, CA

The Center for Analytics, Research & Development, and Data (CARDD) provides oversight of the UCC Data Hub through which ministerial changes are made. However, Conferences and Associations are responsible for reporting changes and maintaining ministerial records in this system. If you have questions about this information, please contact the appropriate Conference or Association.