AM21 gathering in Arizona draws many to the work of ‘unraveling for repair’

Every two years, the Ministerial Excellence, Support and Authorization (MESA) ministry team of the National Setting of the United Church of Christ hosts a gathering for Conference and Association judicatory staff to explore issues related to ministerial authorization, oversight, and search and call. The most recent meeting was held in Tempe, Arizona, from December 10-13, 2024.

The Rev. Cheryl Burke of the Michigan Conference, as well as the Rev. Rachel Bauman and Rev. Franz Roger of the Wisconsin Conference work on “unraveling” as a model for unraveling oppressive systems in the church.

Known as AM21 (or Authorizing Ministry for the 21st Century), this event offers opportunities for Conference colleagues to gather for conversations, networking and resource sharing. More than 135 staff representing nearly all UCC Conferences, along with select national staff representation, explored the theme of “Unraveling for Repair,” through worship, keynotes and workshop presentations.

“I was delighted at the way our colleagues jumped into the work of AM21, confronting our own issues as well as committing to building trust for the needed changes in our beloved church,” said the Rev. Elizabeth Dilley, minister and team leader of MESA.

She continued, “I celebrate the fantastic work of MESA and our planning team, without whom none of this would have come together. The wisdom of our church leaders and the vulnerability they shared this week are significant markers of our vibrant UCC.”

Unraveling systems of white supremacy

Keynotes came from the Rev. Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi and the Rev. Laura Everett. Participants dug into questions of expertise and individualism in leadership as well as the ways that white Eurocentric bias has dominated processes of leadership formation and how the church might engage in praxis to unravel these systems of white supremacy. Attendees also engaged in praxis — unraveling sweaters as a model for unraveling processes as we talked about the difficulty of this work in all sorts of ways.

Staff of the Southern Conference the Rev. Dannie Williams, Rev. Dr. Edward Davis, and Ms. Belinda Sledge attended AM21.

The Rev. Derrick Elliott, ACM for Authorization, Accountability, and Discernment of the Southwest Conference reflected on the event in the Conference newsletter. He quoted the Rev. Toni Hawkins, the first African American minister to lead the Southwest Conference, who shared, “My experience at AM21 has left a lasting impact on me. The thoughtfully planned workshops and enriching conversations encouraged us to move beyond surface-level solutions and dive into deeper, more meaningful discussions and imaginings. This experience has prompted me for ongoing reflection, as it challenged us to consider the complexities of repair and transformation in ways that continue to resonate.”

AM21 also included significant peer learning, with workshops led by Conference Ministers and Associate Conference Ministers on broad topics related to clergy care, oversight, pastoral leadership, and search and call. Some special workshop topics included conversations on the Manual on Local Church, sharing culture with Micronesian congregations, and preparing the Conference for the future church.

The Rev. Cheryl Lindsay of the UCC national staff lead worship at AM21.

This event was supported by national budget, participant registration, and sponsorship from the Financial Ministries, Pilgrim Press, and Suran Systems, Inc.

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Categories: United Church of Christ News

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