Opening Prayer

Source of Life who is known by many names;
Over-turner and illuminator of hearts;
    we gather with gratitude for the earth and all who journey in it.
    We give thanks for the interconnectedness of all creation.
Source of justice who is known by many names;
    let us not swerve from the path of righteousness
    that leads to just and equitable relationships.
Open our eyes that we may see the immigrant and undocumented;
    whose labor enables and sustains our living;
    the farm worker, the hotel worker, the line cook,
    the childcare provider, the healthcare worker;
Give us the will to leave behind the safety of our sanctuaries
    to become your living sanctuary;
    and claim our place in the movement to transform creation; that our voice, our heart, our spirit will
    join the voice, hear and spirit of all who
    demand to live with respect, justice, and peace. 

Used during worship at Lyndale United Church of Christ, Minneapolis, MN
February 22, 2009
(Adapted from a prayer by Jews United for Social Justice)