Commentary: Your gifts support love and justice

SpringAppealImage-2.jpgWhat do the Amistad and the Deaconess Sisters have in common? Abolitionist preachers and orphanages built by German immigrants? Historically Black Colleges and the Hawaiian apology? Marches in Memphis for sanitation workers or in Tampa for Immokalee farm workers or in Nogales for immigrants?

Every one of these is a reminder of the United Church of Christ’s ongoing commitment to build a just world for all and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

That commitment is lived out today in every local church, every Council for Health and Human Services Ministry agency birthed by your mission dollars, and every Global Mission partner taking the love of God to all the ends of the Earth. Discipleship that sees Jesus as its guiding light can do no other.

We feed the hungry and shelter the homeless.

We safeguard the immigrant and the refugee while we engage power structures that marginalize vulnerable communities.

We proclaim an extravagant welcome, opening our hearts and homes to all God’s beautiful children. With Jesus to guide us and the Holy Spirit to inspire us, we see a world where justice for all is possible. We live out our commitment to the gospel with passion, with purpose, and with vision.

With pride we look at our past accomplishments. With resolve we commit to our present mission. With hope we believe in our future calling. When love is called for, our hearts open up. When justice is called for, our courage is summoned.

The United Church of Christ Annual Fund exists to serve and to support the mission of our beloved denomination.   Your contribution to sustain this noble work is much appreciated, and it is with deep gratitude that I invite you to prayerfully consider a gift to the Annual Fund today.  

The Rev. John C. Dorhauer is the ninth general minister and president of the United Church of Christ.


Categories: Column From the General Minister and President

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