Nuclear Weapons Abolition

The United Church of Christ (UCC) has been vocal in our opposition to the development, possession, testing, and use of nuclear weapons throughout our history.

Just two years into our covenantal life as the newly formed UCC, the second General Synod in Oberlin, OH (1959) issued A Call to Christian Action in Society that called for the “effective international control and reduction of all national armaments, including testing of nuclear weapons.” Years later in 1979, the UCC’s General Synod again called for the reversal of the “arms race” and based on our relationship with partners in Micronesia, we have continued to advocate for the end of nuclear testing.  In 1999 General Synod affirmed a resolution calling for redress for the damage caused by U.S. testing in the Marshall Islands.  

In 1985, Synod issued the groundbreaking Just Peace Pronouncement that articulated our theological position on issues of war and peace based on a call to address systemic injustice.  Over the past 30 years as a Just Peace Church the United Church of Christ has reaffirmed these positions in support for the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), the New START agreement, and, most recently, the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Back from the Brink

The 2019 General Synod resolution, “Calling for the United States to pull “Back From The Brink” and Prevent Nuclear War” not only affirmed the UN Treaty, but also called on UCC churches to get involved with the Back from the Brink campaign (BFTB) and other anti-nuclear movements. Several UCC churches are already supporting the Back from the Brink efforts to pass municipal, state, and federal resolutions that address “5 ‘Common Sense’ Policy Solutions”: 

  1.     Renounce the option of using nuclear weapons first
  2.     End the sole, unchecked authority of any president to launch a nuclear attack
  3.     Take U.S. nuclear weapons off hair-trigger alert
  4.     Cancel plans to replace the U.S. nuclear arsenal with enhanced weapons
  5.     Actively pursue a verifiable agreement among nuclear-armed states to eliminate their nuclear arsenals

Now is a key time to join these efforts. If we as a denomination believe that “Peace is possible!” then let us back our statements with engagement and action. If you or your church are interested in getting involved, contact Rev. Michael Neuroth  

Below are some resources to get started in that work:

Get Involved. Answer the Call to Action.

Questions? Contact UCC.

Michael Neuroth
International Policy Advocate