General Synod Resolutions and Pronouncements for Economic Justice

Resolutions and Pronouncements on

General Economic Justice
Economics and the Environment
Economic Justice within the UCC (these are also included in the General Economic Justice listing) 

General Economic Justice

Affirming the Coalition of Immokalee Workers’ Boycott of Wendy’s (UCC Board of Directors, May 12, 2016) affirms the CIW’s call to boycott Wendy’s, the fast food chain.

Advocating for Tax Reform as Christian Stewardship and Public Duty (GS XXIX, 2013) calls for a number of tax reforms: corporate tax, financial transaction tax, capital gains taxes, and estate tax; in addition, it calls national staff to examine carbon taxes.

Resolution on advocating for funding to construct quality affordable housing (GS XXIX, 2013).

Putting Our Money Where Our Values Are: Evaluating Church Financial Relationships (GS XXVIII, 2011) calls the UCC to to use our money to provoke change in discerned unethical practices of financial institutions, or move our money to financial institutions that represent our faith values.

Mindful and Faithful Eating (GS XXVIII, 2011) calls the UCC to explore and discuss how food choices can accord with Christian values and beliefs, and requests an adult curriculum be developed around this issues.

Affirming the Accra Confession: Covenanting for Justice in the Economy and the Earth (GS XXVI, 2009): commends this powerful statement to the church for study, discernment, and action. (Read the full text of the Accra Confession in English and Spanish.)

Calling on President Barack Obama to revisit and re-negotiate a more humane, democratic, and ecologically-sound version of the North American Free Trade Agreement (GS XXVII, 2009) 

An Economic Justice Covenant (GS XXVII, 2009) calls all settings of the UCC commit to a covenant of study, witness and action in pursuit of economic justice in our world.

Roles of church and government in addressing the global food crisis (GS XXVII, 2009): urges study and action around global food crisis

A Call to Awareness and Action to End the Practice of Trafficking in Persons (GS XXVII, 2009) calls the UCC to education and advocacy to end human trafficking.

Ministering to Those Struggling and Suffering in The Troubled Economy (GS XXVII, 2009) calls on the UCC to pray with, and envision, encourage, support and strengthen outreach ministries that serve those in distress due to unemployment, bankruptcy, dislocation, hunger, illness, and financial problems.

Worker justice at Smithfield (GS XXVI, 2007): support for Smithfield Packing Co. workers.

Calling the United Church of Christ to declare itself a “fair trade” denomination (GS XXVI, 2005)

In support of fair and just compensation for lay employees of the United Church of Christ (GS XXV, 2005).

For the common good (GS XXV, 2005): fair taxes, need for public institutions and services, full employment, living wages, adequate income for each one, affordable housing, public transportation. 

To advance the cause of the most disadvantaged in the budgetary and appropriations process (GS XXV, 2005): support progressive taxes, oppose cuts in social programs.

Saving Social Security from Privatization (GS XXV, 2005)

In support of making fast food fair food: The next step (GS 25, 2005) support for the Fair Food Alliance and Coalition of Immokalee Workers

A faithful response: calling for a more just, humane direction for economic globalization (GS XXIV Pronouncement, 2003) calls for the rules and institutions that shape economic globalization to be fundamentally changed.

Theological response to corporate greed (GS XXIV, 2003): reduce offshore subsidiaries to avoid taxes, pension reform, increase funding for SEC 

A Call for Church wide Support for Oikokredit, USA (GS XXIV, 2003): call to invest in this micro-lender

The United Church of Christ – Thirty years of faithful accompaniment with farm workers (GS XXIV, 2003)

Calling for a more just, humane direction for economic globalization (GS XXIII, 2001): this resolution called for the pronouncement

Redistributing Tax Rebates to the Poor (GS XXIII, 2001) invites all who can to share their tax rebate with the poor.

In support of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers’ boycott of Taco Bell (GS XXIII, 2001)

Calling on the UCC to initiate jubilee for justice for the rural US (GS  XXIII, 2001)

Ending the stranglehold of debt on impoverished nations (GS XXII, 1999)

Against the Apparel Industry Partnership’s Apparel Industry Partnership Agreement (the Fair Labor Association and the Workplace Code Of Conduct) (GS XXII, 1999) seeks to eliminate child labor; calls corporations to support workers’ rights to organize and stand up to, rather than profit from, dictatorships; and pay employees a living wage.

Affirming democratic principles in an emerging global economy (GS XXI, 1999): support for unions, corporations to uphold human rights, advocate for just, democratic, participatory, and inclusive economic policies.

In support of the Farm Labor Organizing Committee’s boycott of Mt. Olive Pickles (GSXX, 1999)

Securities and Exchange Commission shareholder resolution policy (GS XXI, 1997): urges the Securities and Exchange Commission to reverse the Cracker Barrel decision and allow resolutions on employment policies and practices which address significant social issues to be included in Proxy Statements.

Fair and just compensation (GS XXI, 1997): next steps in follow-up to the 1995 pronouncement  

Resolution on Prevention and Reduction of Seminarians’ Educational Debt (GS XXI, 1997) requests a pronouncement and proposal for action concerning the financing of theological education.

Welfare Reform (GS XXI, 1997): calls the 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act “unconscionable” and called for all settings to engage in ministries of service.

Affirming government’s roll to protect the common good (GS XXI, 1997): need for government regulation to safeguard consumers, workers, those who suffer discrimination, and the environment, and to guide social and economic activities for the common good.

A call to a covenant for the future regarding hunger in the US (GS XX, 1995): affirms the direct service outreach of congregation to alleviate hunger, call for financial support of the Hunger Action Fund and for public action to end hunger. “the UCC Hunger Action Fund has never reached expectations (9% of congregations) … “the UCC … responded [to hunger] in many … ways, most notably, through direct service outreach with 85% of congregations involved in such efforts.”

50 Years Is Enough! Global Economic Justice Requires Reform of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (GS XX, 1995) calls for the replacement of IMF and World Bank structural adjustment programs with policies that better meet the needs of the poor and for debt cancellation.

Fair and just compensation for those called and employed by the church (GS XX Prouncement, 1995): conferences and associations urged to create compensation guidelines [356 MB]

Adopting ethical guidelines for labor relations in church organizations and related organizations (GS XX, 1995): church employees do not give up their right to form unions.

In support of international fair trade (GS XIX, 1993): The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is flawed and needs to be renegotiated.

Economic justice and military conversion (GS XIX, 1993): a call to reduce the size of the military and reduce military spending.

Investing in community development (GS XIX, 1993): a call to invest UCC funds in community economic development.

In support of the United Mine Workers of America (GS XIX, 1993): urges the Bituminous Coal Operators Association to treat coal miners with respect, to bargain for a just and fair agreement, and for BCOA and United Mine Workers to negotiate a contract settlement that brings justice to the coalfields. Includes clergy letter “A Call for Justice in the Coal Fields”

In recognition of twenty years of United Church of Christ ministry with farm workers (GS XIX, 1993) commemorates 20 years of ministry with farm workers, celebrates the gains that have been made and reaffirms its commitment to support justice and self-determination for farm workers.

Christian Faith, Personal Stewardship and Economic Sharing (GS XVIII Pronouncement, 1991) calls the United Church of Christ to be faithful stewards of God’s gracious gifts, to serve as an example of economic justice within its own community in solidarity with human need everywhere.

Campaign to End Childhood Hunger (GS XVIII, 1991) supports the adoption of national policies guaranteeing food security to all people.

Concerning the crisis in financial institutions (GS XVIII, 1991): condemned the criminal behavior and government ineptitude which damaged the savings and loan industry, and called the UCC to work for greater justice in the industry.

Justice in the Maquiladoras (GS XVIII, 1991)

Concerning National Priorities (GS XVIII, 1991): Called for a reordering of national priorities so that our first priorities would be the goal of fostering common global security based on economic justice and peaceful settlement of conflicts.

Christian Faith: Economic Life and Justice (GS XVII Pronouncement, 1989) affirms “that the struggle to achieve economic justice for all of God’s people is an imperative of the Christian faith, a confession that we have done too little to correct the economic injustices of our nation and the world … [and] a statement of our commitment to transform the structures of church and society by working for economic justice.”  Describes the “marks of a just economy” including: all people have access to basic material necessities, enhances human dignity, is inclusive, assures equality of opportunity, has preferential option for the poor, honors creation, and promotes international peace and well-being. Commitment to achieving an economic bill of rights including guaranteed national minimum income level, universal health care, full employment, affordable housing, and quality education for all.       Study Guide for Christian Faith: Economic Life and Justice

A Call for Socially Responsible Investment (GS XVII, 1989): Our investment policy should reflect our commitments.

United Church of Christ Secretaries/Support Staff Just Employment Practices (GS XVI, 1987) urges all UCC employers to provide their secretaries and support staff a fair salary, vacation, health insurance, and pension benefit package applicable to their circumstances.

Economic Justice for Women Who Are Poor (GS XVII, 1989) called the church to advocate for poor women.

To Endorse the Boycott of American Home Products and to Monitor Nestle, S.A. (GS XVII, 1987) endorses the boycott of American Home Products and requests monitoring of Nestle.

Revive us again: the Church’s response to the economic crisis (GS XVI, 1987): concern for rural, urban, and Appalachian areas, address “issues of monopolization and community life,” strengthen mission, increase economic literacy, and revitalize communities.

Expanded Criteria for Divestment and Advocacy related to South Africa (GS XXVI, 1987) calls for the withdrawal of all U.S. investment from South Africa and the termination of all economic relations.

Discrimination Against Older Clergy in the United Church of Christ (GS XXVI, 1987) calls attention to “the sin of ageism” in the church and society.

The Crisis of People and the Land (Pronouncement, GS XV, 1985) affirms the Christian commitment to social justice in rural and agricultural life and calls for a public response to the crisis of people and the land.

Support of the Boycott of California Table Grapes (GS XV, 1985) supported farm workers in California.

The Family Farm (GS XV, 1985) encourages public policy and advocacy efforts to support farms and rural communities.

Our Christian Response to Federal Funding (General Synod XIV, 1983) declares Synod’s opposition to the Federal Government’s shifting of public resources from human services to armaments.

Plant Closures (Executive Council, acting ad interim for GS XIV, 1983) affirms the right of everyone to employment and supports efforts to avert or ameliorate the effects of plant closings.

War Tax Resistance (GS XIV, 1983) supports those who, for reasons of conscience, refuse to pay taxes for war.

The Homeless in America (GS XIV, 1983) urges churches and individuals to actively engage in ministries to homeless persons and to lobby for federal, state and local action to help the homelessness.

UCC Full Divestment of All Financial Resources from All Corporations Doing Business with South Africa (Pronouncement, GS XV, 1985)

Resolution on Investment and Corporate Responsibility with regard to South Africa (GS XXIV, 1983) calls on all individuals and organizations in the UCC to “pursue strategies, negotiations, and stockholder actions that urge corporations and financial institutions to desist from supporting apartheid” and support social change.

Resolution on Objections to Proposed Changes in the United States Federal Budget (GS XIII, 1981) strongly objects to proposed decreases in programs for the poor and near-poor.

The Future of Urban Life in America (GS XIII Pronouncement, 1981) calls the UCC to a new commitment to urban life, to stand in solidarity with with the disinherited who are concentrated there, to work for the liberation of urban people, and to raise hope for a more just future. [439 MB]

The right to earn a living (GS XI, 1977): calls for full employment.

Reform of the Federal Income Tax System (GS XI, 1977): calls for a progressive tax system and the elimination of tax expenditures which violate the principles of fairness, simplicity, progressivity and neutrality.

Concerning our Economic System (GS XI, 1977): affirm and support those aspects of our economic system which meet the needs of people and call for changes whenever those needs are not being met.

Toward a new Urban Agenda (GS XI, 1977): preparing to address the complex problems facing Urban America.

An Issue Paper on Global Concerns and World Needs (GS XI, 1977) calls for a program to help the Church see our priorities in a global perspective; the Issue Paper is affirmed by the Synod.

Resolution on Corporate Social Responsibility (GS XI, 1977) recognizes that a corporation should have a concern for its employees’ welfare, the firm’s environmental impacts, and the development of its host community and country.

Report and Issue Statement on World Hunger (GS XI, 1977) calls for a continuation of the UCC Hunger Action Program to raise consciousness, allocate resources, and promote theological and ethical studies.

The UCC Confronts the World Food Crisis (GS X Pronouncement, 1975) established the Hunger Action Fund.

Statement on Racial and Economic Justice (GS X, 1975) reaffirms a commitment to and priority for racial and economic justice.

The Role of Transnational Business in Mass Economic Development (GS X Pronouncement, 1975) calls the church to engage with those involved in transnational business and encourage them to accept their responsibility to improve the welfare and enlarge the dignity of people in the countries where they operate.

Plight of Farm Workers in Coachella Valley, California (GS IX, 1973) affirms the right of farm workers to organize and engage in nonviolent struggle and authorizes a delegation to travel to the Coachella Valley to give physical and visible witness to this commitment.

Statement on Economic Justice (GS IX, 1973) calls for expansion rather than reduction in publicly-funded social services, reduced military spending, and reform of local, state, and federal tax systems.

The federal budget (GS IX, 1973) “the shaping, allocating, and spending of the federal budget are crucial Christians concerns, and that the presently overwhelming emphasis on defense spending at the expense of human needs is deleterious to the people of the United States and the world.”

Economic Justice – Household Workers (GS IX, 1973) calls for improved wages and working conditions for domestic workers.

Racial Justice: Seeking Liberation, Justice, and Empowerment for the Racially Oppressed (GS VIII, 1971) established goals and objectives for our work for racial justice.

Sharing the Cost of Government Fairly (GS VII Pronouncement, 1969) calls for fair taxation, progressive taxes, estate taxes.

A Pronouncement on Justice and International Development: A Manifesto for American Action in the Struggle Against World Poverty (GS VI Pronouncement, 1967) calls for a renewal of American commitment to international development.

Call to Christian Action in Society (GS II, 1959), was an “attempt to discover what the Lord requires of us today” in a follow-up to the 1908 “Social Creed of the Churches.” 

Economics and the Environment

Resolution Urging Divestment – Along with Other Strategies – From Fossil Fuel Companies to Address Climate Change (GS XXIX, 2013)


 Resolution Supporting Compassionate Comprehensive Immigration Reform and the Protection of the Human Rights of Immigrants  (GS XXIX, 2013)

Call for a more humane US immigration policy; end immigrant deaths; support immigrant communities (GS XXVI, 2007): border enforcement strategy is inhumane and ineffective, guarantee rights to immigrant workers.

Emergency resolution to end the death of migrants on the United States-Mexico border by offering water in Christ’s Name ( GS XXIII, 2001)

Border justice issues (GS XXII, 1999)

Affirming the Dignity and Self-Worth of Immigrants (GS XX, 1995)

Justice in Immigration (GS XIII Pronouncement, 1981) [424 MB]

In Support of Salvadoran Refugees (GS XIII, 1981)

 Economic Justice within the UCC
(These also appear in the comprehensive list above)

In support of fair and just compensation for lay employees of the United Church of Christ (GS XXV, 2005). 

Fair and just compensation (GS XXI, 1997): next steps in follow-up to the 1995 pronouncement  

Resolution on Prevention and Reduction of Seminarians’ Educational Debt (GS XXI, 1997) requests a pronouncement and proposal for action concerning the financing of theological education.

Fair and just compensation for those called and employed by the church (GS XX Prouncement, 1995): conferences and associations urged to create compensation guidelines [356 MB]

Adopting ethical guidelines for labor relations in church organizations and related organizations (GS XX, 1995): church employees do not give up their right to form unions.

United Church of Christ Secretaries/Support Staff Just Employment Practices (GS XVI, 1987) urges all UCC employers to provide their secretaries and support staff a fair salary, vacation, health insurance, and pension benefit package applicable to their circumstances.