Do I Have it or Not?
John answered all of them by saying, “I baptize you with water; but one who is more powerful that I is coming… He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” – Luke 3:16 (NRSV)
The Bible is clear that baptism with water and the receipt of the Holy Spirit are two different things. Sometimes they happen virtually simultaneously, as with Jesus coming up from the Jordan just as the Holy Spirit descends on him. Other times in the Bible, long periods elapse between the water and the arrival of the Spirit, which can come on its own and or via the laying on of hands by people who have already received it. Then there are the times when the Spirit shows up without a water baptism at all. This ambiguity has led to all sorts of theological conversations and controversies over the years about how to make sure we’re doing it right.
I don’t much care about those. I would love to know, though, how to know whether I’ve received the Holy Spirit or not yet. I know I’ve been baptized with water: there were witnesses, there are records. But what about the Holy Spirit? How would I know? Some say it happens automatically at confirmation; others say speaking in tongues is the sign. Still others make lists: if you have it, you get seven gifts, or nine fruits—or sometimes twelve fruits, apparently? I firmly believe the Spirit has helped me, worked with me, inspired me. But is that the same as being baptized in it? As receiving it? Dunno.
One thing seems true: desire seems to matter. Consent, too. So since I don’t know and really have no way of finding out, I guess I’ll just have to ask and hope for the best:
Come, Holy Spirit, come. Baptize me, fill me to overflowing, make me yours. Amen.

Quinn G. Caldwell is Chaplain of the Protestant Cooperative Ministry at Cornell University. His most recent book is a series of daily reflections for Advent and Christmas called All I Really Want: Readings for a Modern Christmas. Learn more about it and find him on Facebook at Quinn G. Caldwell.