Prayer for Farm Workers

Please consider offering the following prayer during worship (or any time) in support of farm workers and the Coalition of Immokalee Workers’ boycott of Wendy’s.

Gracious and Justice-loving God,
We ask your special blessing on farm workers, our neighbors who are among the most abused workers in the United States. They work long and hard to grow the food we eat. But they cannot always afford to feed their families. We know your desire is for all people to thrive and live lives of wholeness. But poverty and mistreatment block most farm workers from this goal.

Please give us the courage and commitment to support farm workers’ struggle for justice and especially the Coalition of Immokalee Workers in Florida and their boycott of Wendy’s. Let us be your hands to help “loose the bonds of injustice and to undo the thongs of the yoke” (Isaiah 58:6). Let us be your voice crying out for a world where “justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like an ever flowing stream” (Amos 5:24). We pray that one day soon, all workers will fairly share in the abundance you have given this world. Amen.