Daily Devotional for Small Group Discussion: In the Beginning

Host/Leader’s Instructions:

Before starting, the meeting host should print out enough copies of this page (click on green printer icon above) for everyone in the group. 

After general introductions, word of welcome and review of guidelines for small groups the meeting host will:

1. Invite someone to read the daily devotion printed below aloud.

2. Read the following introduction to the full text aloud:

In today’s reflection for the day after Christmas, Rev. Lillian Daniel asks, “Can we be honest and admit that sometimes the big day is not as joyful in real life as we want it to be?”  She reflects on God’s presence in every day, and asks God for help in understanding that “No single day gets to have the last word.”  Have you ever needed help with that understanding?

3. Read the full text again (below):  John 1:1-5

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life,[a] and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.

4. Take a minute or two for silent contemplation.

5. As a group, reflect on the following questions (remember to refrain from cross-talk):

What word, phrase or image jumps out at you from this reading? Everyone shares without commentary.

What’s God saying to you in this passage? (remember to refrain from cross talk)

What is the call to action for you and/or for our faith community? (feel free to engage in group conversation when discussing calls to action).

6. Close the meeting by praying the Lord’s Prayer together.

In the Beginning

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” – John 1:1

Christmas day has passed, and now we are left with the wrapping paper, the empty boxes and perhaps a few empty hearts. For some people, yesterday may have been a delightful feast of love and giving. Others may look back on the day we are all supposed to look forward to with a little relief that it’s over. Are we allowed to say that? Can we be honest and admit that sometimes the big day is not as joyful in real life as we want it to be?

This first verse from the gospel of John reminds us that our big days and calendars are really of little importance to the God who created us. God existed before time itself. So while we human beings may lift up one day over another, God is consistently present in every day. God was even there before we were here to count our days.


Dear God, help me to understand that no single day gets to have the last word. At the end of a good day, or at the end of a bad day, you are with me, as you always have been and always will be. Amen.